Many people believe that domestic violence against women and children is related to physical abuse, that is, beatings. However, the concept of “domestic violence” is much broader and does not necessarily consist only of beatings and scandals. People around you may not even notice that violence is taking place in the family. As psychologists note, domestic violence against children and women is any kind of negative impact on a weak family member. And this is especially true for children who suffer from such an impact on the part of both the mother and the father. There are several types of domestic violence.
Physical violence in the family
This is the most common type of violence, which is characterized by a direct impact on the human body, that is, beatings. The female sex suffers from male dominance and aggression, and this phenomenon occurs in many cultures. Moreover, this is considered normal for a society in which such things happen. In most cases, the women – victims of beatings – do not even think about fighting domestic violence. The reasons for the patience of violence are unwillingness to lose a husband, unwillingness to raise children without a father, financial dependence on a spouse, and many others.
Physical violence in the family against children is more common than against women because children often fall prey to two people – both parents. Children suffer more because violence against them can seriously affect their physical and mental development. Very often, domestic violence against children is invisible to others because children rarely talk about it. And sometimes it happens that children’s stories about beatings and humiliation are not taken seriously by others.
Psychological impact in the family
Often, mockery of a woman’s psyche becomes more terrible for her than beatings. Sometimes the reason for this attitude of a man is difficult to find, and, as psychologists note, often a woman may not be at all to blame. A tyrant man himself will look for reasons to make fun of his wife, paying attention to every little thing that normal people will never notice. The psychological type of domestic violence can include the threat of physical violence, blackmail, moral intimidation, coercion to watch scenes of violence, as well as the destruction of household items – furniture, equipment, etc.
Psychological violence in the family against children is expressed in insulting a child, humiliating him/her, comparing with other children, etc. Dislike for a child can cause him/her anxiety and stress, and this can lead to severe mental disorders. Psychological violence against children in the family is very common, and the worst thing is that not all children understand that they are being bullied, considering insults and humiliation to be the norm.
Domestic sexual violence
Domestic sexual violence against women is also widespread in our society. This type of domestic violence includes a compulsion to sex, to its perverted forms, rape, i.e. sexual humiliation. This phenomenon occurs in families in which a man, for some reason, becomes a weak link and wants to prove the opposite. This is especially true of those weak men whose wives have become more successful than them. The feeling of inadequacy irritates the man, and he tries to recoup his wife’s feelings, humiliating her with illegal actions of a sexual nature.
Children who become one of their parents are often stepfathers or stepmothers also become victims of sexual violence. Not only step parents can become perverts but also relatives. Girls are often victims of domestic violence, but boys can also fall under the influence of sexual perverts.
Domestic economic violence
There is also economic violence in the family, which is expressed in extortion of money, in the prohibition to go to work, in hiding financial income, etc. Children can also suffer from economic violence when parents do not give them money for their own needs, punish them by not buying what they promise, or not providing funds for school meals.
How to recognize a hazard?
As a rule, a man begins to act unlawfully against his wife not immediately after marriage, but after a certain time. Therefore, a woman has time to recognize in her spouse a despotic mood and the ability to abuse loved ones. There are a number of signs by which you can determine this:
- dismissive attitude;
- insults and humiliation;
- any threats;
- rude ridicule;
- communication in an orderly tone, including with children;
- constant criticism of the wife and children;
- pathological jealousy;
- increased tone in communication;
- any kind of prohibition;
- coercion into any activity that is unacceptable for a normal person;
- persistent imposition of their own opinion, the desire to do everything in their own way.
What to do when domestic violence occurs?
First of all, you need to understand that there should not be domestic violence, and it does not matter at all whether you yourself are to blame or not. Every person should have a sense of their own dignity! It is necessary to part with the person whose victim of violence you have become because statistics show that it is almost impossible to change a tyrant man.
Many women feel sorry for their husbands and give them many chances to improve, not realizing that they are gradually just getting used to beatings and humiliations. But this is not normal, and if you have already resigned yourself to such treatment, then at least think about children – the most precious thing you have.
So how to deal with domestic violence? Where to go for help? Nowadays, there are many instances where you can be helped, and you should be aware of them. These are the police, the department for juvenile affairs, the department for family and youth affairs, organizations for the protection of women’s rights. Even if you have not yet become a victim of violence, but feel such a danger, you can contact psychologists who will give you some advice and tell you about the prevention of domestic violence.
You need to know where to go if you have domestic violence against children. These are social services, guardianship authorities and other organizations designed to protect the rights of children. First of all, you can try to influence adults with the help of psychologists, but if this is unsuccessful, then it is necessary to urgently isolate the child from the despot.
You can also contact crisis centers like Community Crisis Center or Women’s Crisis Center.
The institution provides emergency psychological, legal assistance, as well as social support to women and families in difficult life situations. There is housing provided by a benefactor for temporary residence of domestic violence victims who have been left without a roof over their heads.
All services in crisis centers are provided free of charge.